The Kitchen at Elk Haven
So many wonderful things happen in our kitchen, you almost have to smile whenever you go in there. It's a sensory feast!
Wow. Every day has its own essential smells. It's hard to pick a favorite. COOKIES!! On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, the aroma of baking cookies fills the Wellness Center. And when we're lucky, a plate of warm, gingery, gluten-free heaven shows up in the front foyer. Reason To Bake, we love you!
Fresh Green Heart vegetable juices! On Monday and Thursday, the whole place smells green and clean. Cilantro, lemon, green apples, fresh greens, celery, ginger and turmeric. Your nose will convince you to do what's right for your body. Drink some fresh juice and take some of it home for tomorrow. You will glow from the inside out!
If you love the smell of garlic, you will love Saturday afternoons, when John from Morningside Ferments is chopping away to prepare health-giving kimchi and kraut. Way better for you than probiotic supplements, fermented veggies keep your digestion and immune system going strong.

The Pyro Cyder team spends a few hours on the weekends preparing cider vinegar based tonics to keep us all healthy through the seasons of colds, flus and allergies. The Citrus Cyder smells especially comforting!